You are here: American University Student Affairs Office of the Dean of Students

Contact Us
Butler Pavilion, Room 408 on a map
Dean of Students 4400 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20016-8148 United StatesDean of Students
The Office of the Dean of Students (DOS) supports student learning through programs and services that promote growth and development, communicate the values and standards of the AU community, empower students, and advocate for students' needs. After interacting with staff in the Office of the Dean of Students, individuals will:
Gain awareness of on- and off-campus resources and how to access those resources
Develop autonomy and self-advocacy skills
Understand their behavior and its impact in the context of community
A cornerstone of our service to the AU community is our management of the Care Network. Every member of the AU Community can access the Care Network by submitting an online form called a Care Referral. Care Referrals are processed by the Office of the Dean of Students and assigned to a DOS representative who then reaches out to the individual to connect them with resources and support.
Services and Referrals
Students in Distress
If you are concerned about the immediate health and safety of yourself or another student:
Call AU Police: (202-885-2527) - available 24/7, access to emergency services
Call AU ProtoCall Services: (202-885-7979) - available 24/7, access to free, confidential on-call crisis clinicians
Reporting a Concern
- We are here to help! If you are worried about yourself, another student, or behavior you've witnessed, explore our reporting options:
- Care Referral - if you recognize signs of distress or disruptive behavior in yourself or another student
- Equity & Title IX Report - if you or a fellow student experience any type of discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct
- Incident Report - if you or a fellow student observe an incident that may violate the Student Conduct Code
- Hazing Report - if you or a fellow student experience an intentional act or method of initiation into a group, club, organization, or team that subjects another person, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, to conduct that may injure, abuse, humiliate, harass, or intimidate that person
- Neighbor Report - AU students generally are good neighbors and adhere to the University’s Student Conduct Code; if a student conduct-related issue arises, neighbors are encouraged to share information about the incident
Academic Concerns
- We can support students with notification letters to faculty for significant or lengthy absences supported by medical documentation per Academic Regulations 4.1
- Students can send documentation from their health care provider that indicates the date of treatment, length of excused absence, and any other information deemed pertinent to our office
- Under Academic Regulations 4.1, faculty are expected to use their discretion when excusing short-term or one-off class absences
- Students should always start with their Academic Advisor for any academic concern (e.g., considering a leave of absence, seeking to drop a class, change a grade type, explore course repetition and grade replacement options, express concerns with a faculty member)
Temporary Medical Leave of Absence
Please review our temporary leave guide to learn more about the medical leave process.
Restorative Practices
The goal of restorative practices is to repair harm and prevent reoccurrence through a process that involves those most directly affected.